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Sewer Line Repair & Replacement

Various elements can lead to damage within your sewer line. If you suspect a compromised line, addressing the problem promptly is crucial. Septic Check is proficiently equipped to identify, assess, and rectify damages within these sewer lines, ensuring a swift and effective resolution.
Sewer line repair
Sewer line repair
 Learn What The Top Contributors To Line Damages Are
Sewer Line replacement

Riser Installation & Repair

Adding risers to elevate the manhole covers to ground level is a simple modification that offers a range of benefits. It enhances accessibility, simplifies maintenance, and promotes the overall health of your septic system.

If you already have risers in place, it is important
to make sure they are free of flaws or damages,
as these could lead to bigger issues within
your septic system over time.
Septic tank install
Septic tank riser installation
Learn More About The Benefits Of Adding Risers To Your
Septic System

Drainfield Repair

All conventional septic systems have a finite life. Even properly used, drainfield rock eventually becomes plugged with the by-products of treating sewage. Septic systems that are used properly will still eventually fail. Replacement costs run from $7,200 to $20,000 or more in some areas.

Why systems fail:

As systems age, a clogging mat forms where the rock and soil meet. This biomat is comprised of dead bacteria, fine solids, and live soil bacteria. It performs a vital function by holding water in the rock long enough to prevent saturation of soil below the rock.
Over time this clogging mat gets too thick, however, and causes water to pond in the rock. Air is displaced by liquid and anaerobic conditions begin the decline of the soil treatment system.
Even if properly designed and constructed, conventional septic systems eventually need replacement or rehabilitation. Homeowners using them within design limits can expect drainfield or mound life of 7-25 years.
We offer system saving recovery solutions that can provide an immediate fix to your septic system and avoid replacement cost. Our service areas in Minnesota include Milaca, Princeton, Zimmerman, Isle, Onamia, Aitkin, Wahkon, Garrison, and surrounding areas. Contact us for a free site visit and estimate.

Terralift Drainfield Rejuvenation

The Terralift drainfeild repair provides new life for your problem drainfield or mound in one day without excavating your lawn. The Terralift process injects high pressure blasts of air into the ground to fracture soil and re-establish percolation. In addition, it stirs up excess biomat which is then digested. It provides an immediate fix to ponded and surfacing drainfields.


Immediate relief
Re-establish percolation
No excavation
Fix your drainfield while waiting for sewer connection
Drainfield repair terralift
 Learn More About This Service

Equipment Repairs Offered:

Septic Lift Pump Replacement


Grinder Pump Repairs


Float Repairs


Telemtery Panel Repairs


Septic Effluent Pump Repairs


Septic Control Panel Repairs


Septic Alaram Repairs


Timed Dose Control Panel Repairs


Septic Alarm Repair
Septic pump
Septic Float Repair
Septic Panel Repair
Septic Alarm Post Installation
manhole cover.png

Have A Septic Project In Mind?

We'd love to help!
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